2021年2月18日 星期四

RHEL各種.iso 檔的差別


  • boot.iso
  • Binary DVD
  • WinSync Installer
  • Source DVD
  • P2V ISO
  • KVM Guest Image
  • ISO Images for Older Releases

Binary DVD

The discs required to install and use Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Can also be used to enter Rescue Mode.

Source DVD

Source code (human-readable programming language instructions) for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, provided in compliance with the GNU General Public License which Red Hat Enterprise Linux is created under. There is no documentation for the source DVDs. These can be used to compile or develop your own software based off the Red Hat version.


This ISO is used for converting your Physical RHEL system to a Virtual RHEL system

KVM Guest Image

You can use a ready RHEL KVM guest qcow2 image, as these images are configured with cloud-init and must take advantage of ec2-compatible metadata services for provisioning SSH keys in order to function properly. For more information see the Openstack Platform Guide

下載舊版ISO檔、Supplementary、virt-p2v、KVM Guest Image、原始碼等(以RHEL 7.5為例)