2020年6月26日 星期五

Windows10下載語言Basic typing(基本鍵入)都會0x80240438的Error code

如果只需要在 英文版Windows安裝注音輸入法可以參考http://it.rex.tw/2020/07/windows.html

因為英文版Win10安裝繁體中文language pack之後還是無法使用注音輸入法
所以還是得安裝Basic typing(基本鍵入)
Windows10下載語言Basic typing都會0x80240438的Error code
還是指令(DISM.exe /Online /Add-Capability /CapabilityName:Language.Basic~~~zh-TW~

The Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair policy, located under Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System in the Group Policy Editor, can be used to specify alternate ways to acquire FOD packages, language packages, and content for corruption repair. However, it’s important to note this policy only allows specifying one alternate location and behaves differently across OS versions.

I'm in an enterprise, and I was able to resolve this once I stumbled upon this.
"For Windows domain environments running WSUS or SCCM, change the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair policy to enable downloading FOD and language packs from Windows Update. This setting is located in Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System in the Group Policy Editor."
I created a test policy, with this setting enabled, and got everything to work on my test box.
Hope this can help someone.

所以要改成直接跟微軟Windows Update更新

